====== flow: planing schedule plaining visit - generate visit hd case - check list of personals -> popup - nurse - remove who - doctor ====== missing: - search calendar - color calendar - can not move calendar's schedule - order's visit report dialy - same model & mode (list) but use diffent target dashboard : hd summary report -> click and go direct cycle item: cycle_id list's nurse list's patient & doctor idea: show popup to complete hd case approve by nurse after finish hd case -> show popup to check nurse and doctor after finish formalar tick: find all -> replace -> multiple x order - visit - date, cycle (1, 2, 3), state - by datenow, cycle sequence, state - solution: maybe make some dashboard to that - like a table treatment in 1 day widget - - summary hd case for each month (see. account dashboard) bar char tick many2many=> add, set one2many=> create, write