===== todo monday: - A, B, C, D tueday: ======== Account Receivable -> invoice find account id 1. partner 2. product line 3. settings Account Payable -> payment !!! import data - remove payment set account payable issue: date of visit is not copy after click from calendar ====== !!! this night - import payment setting account - debit - credit patient - type -nhso สปสช - center office of healthcare information - sc ประักนสังคม - mg task 1. find invoice 2. match invoice - date, number for patient (HN) 3. if have invoice create payment if not review input data again 4. post payment to journal =========================== - main - create journal entry from file import - detail (if have some time need to approve) - defind state for each step - visit - treatment - dializer - defind flow of each step - patient - new - load default data - one2many - visit -> split date and time ->ok -> state - draft - confirmed - should select dialyzer before treament - buttons -> ok - confirm - state : draft -> waiting treatment - do treatment - state : waiting treatment -> - cancel visit -> ok - print visit -> ok - treament - visit planing - find visit of patient which state is close - print invoice - pay for normal person -> how ??? - make payment - time start/stop -> ok - only time - date treament ->ok - color (check state) - if fail -> red - cancelled - make next appointment -> ok - state - ready to treatment - paid -> no because not realte to accounting - many2one for dializer - list show percent of progress bar - plaining visit !!! - select next day to visit - copy data to visit - after click complete - day [monday, tueday, wedsday, thursday, friday] - time - dialyzer - import payment - import - create payment with invoice that found - post - undo ======= sequence (support multi company) -> ok - visit - hd case - create invoice after validate ->ok - create stock picking -> no - doctor - nurse - patient create new hd case after confirm visit ->ok question? - how cycle running? - treatment - 1 cycle take how long ? issue: hd case should link only 1 dialyzer -> should not copy 2 time create journal entry -> ok sunday todo: - need to close all issue: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GDl9vCswHlD1MMfVwRS504keIz9NYL8VhUZlSPDEJvk/edit?usp=drive_web payment - personal - government set visible for each staus ======= import data - flow 1. select sheet 2. select columns 3. load data -> load payment 4. review data -> review payment 5. import data -> post payment 6. done - issue load excel is very slow