diff --git a/netforce_clinic/actions/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml b/netforce_clinic/actions/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34f0e3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netforce_clinic/actions/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ Report Medical Detail
+ report
+ clinic.report.medical.detail
+ report_medical_detail
+ report_medical_detail
+ clinic_menu
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_account_menu.xml b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_account_menu.xml
index 2521b41..614404b 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_account_menu.xml
+++ b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_account_menu.xml
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_menu.xml b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_menu.xml
index 7db8d58..f588be3 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_menu.xml
+++ b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_menu.xml
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
@@ -49,6 +48,7 @@
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3eb7701
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netforce_clinic/layouts/clinic_report_medical_detail.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/models/__init__.py b/netforce_clinic/models/__init__.py
index a0f1251..c935e9b 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/models/__init__.py
+++ b/netforce_clinic/models/__init__.py
@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ from . import report_hd_case_summary
from . import report_account_hd_case_summary
from . import report_hd_case_detail
from . import report_medical_summary
+from . import report_medical_detail
from . import report_recent_patient
from . import report_discontinue_patient
from . import report_staff
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_detail.py b/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_detail.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca9070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_detail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+import time
+from calendar import monthrange
+from netforce.model import Model,fields,get_model
+from netforce.access import get_active_company
+class ReportMedicalDetail(Model):
+ _name="clinic.report.medical.detail"
+ _string="Report Medical Detail"
+ _transient=True
+ _fields={
+ "date": fields.Date("Month", required=True),
+ "date_from": fields.Date("From", required=True),
+ "date_to": fields.Date("To", required=True),
+ "prod_categ_id": fields.Many2One("product.categ","Category",required=True),
+ "product_id": fields.Many2One("product","Product"),
+ 'types': fields.Many2Many("clinic.patient.type","Types"),
+ "branch_id": fields.Many2One("clinic.branch","Branch"),
+ "department_id": fields.Many2One("clinic.department","Department"),
+ }
+ # in case link from another report
+ def default_get(self,field_names=None,context={},**kw):
+ defaults=context.get("defaults",{})
+ date=defaults.get('date',time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
+ year,month=time.strftime("%Y-%m").split("-")
+ weekday, total_day=monthrange(int(year), int(month))
+ date_from=defaults.get('date_from','%s-%s-01'%(year,month))
+ date_to=defaults.get('date_to',"%s-%s-%s"%(year,month,total_day))
+ categ_id=defaults.get('categ_id',None)
+ if not categ_id:
+ categ_ids=get_model("product.categ").search([['code','=','EPO']])
+ if categ_ids:
+ categ_id=categ_ids[0]
+ branch_id=defaults.get('branch_id',None)
+ select_dpt=get_model('select.company').get_select()
+ if not branch_id:
+ if select_dpt:
+ branch_id=select_dpt['branch_id']
+ else:
+ branch_id=int(branch_id or "0")
+ department_id=defaults.get('department_id',None)
+ if not department_id:
+ if select_dpt.get('department_ids'):
+ department_id=select_dpt['department_ids'][0]
+ else:
+ department_id=select_dpt['department_id']
+ else:
+ department_id=int(department_id or "0")
+ types=defaults.get('types',[])
+ if types:
+ types=[int(t) for t in types.split(",") if t]
+ product_id=defaults.get("product_id",None)
+ if product_id:
+ product_id=int(product_id)
+ print('xx ',product_id)
+ res={
+ 'date': date,
+ 'date_from': date_from,
+ 'date_to': date_to,
+ 'prod_categ_id': categ_id,
+ 'branch_id': branch_id,
+ 'department_id': department_id,
+ 'types': types,
+ 'product_id': product_id,
+ }
+ return res
+ def get_report_data(self,ids,context={}):
+ year, month=time.strftime("%Y-%m").split("-")
+ weekday, total_day=monthrange(int(year), int(month))
+ defaults=self.default_get(context=context)
+ time_start=defaults.get("date_from")
+ time_stop=defaults.get("date_to")
+ prod_categ_id=defaults.get("prod_categ_id")
+ branch_id=defaults.get("branch_id")
+ department_id=defaults.get("department_id")
+ product_id=defaults.get('product_id')
+ types=defaults.get('types')
+ if ids:
+ obj=self.browse(ids)[0]
+ prod_categ_id=obj.prod_categ_id.id
+ product_id=obj.product_id.id
+ types=obj.types
+ branch_id=obj.branch_id.id
+ department_id=obj.department_id.id
+ month=obj.date_from.split("-")[1]
+ time_start=obj.date_from
+ time_stop=obj.date_to
+ dom=[
+ ['hd_case_id.date','>=',time_start],
+ ['hd_case_id.date','<=',time_stop],
+ ]
+ if branch_id:
+ dom.append(['hd_case_id.branch_id','=',branch_id])
+ if department_id:
+ dom.append(['hd_case_id.department_id','=',department_id])
+ if prod_categ_id:
+ dom.append(['product_categ_id','=',prod_categ_id])
+ if product_id:
+ dom.append(['product_id','=',product_id])
+ if types and ids:
+ dom.append(['hd_case_id.patient_type_id','in',[t.id for t in types]])
+ elif types:
+ dom.append(['hd_case_id.patient_type_id','in',[t_id for t_id in types]])
+ lines=[]
+ total_qty=0
+ for line in get_model('clinic.hd.case.line').search_browse(dom):
+ hdcase=line.hd_case_id
+ patient=hdcase.patient_id
+ cycle=hdcase.cycle_id
+ department=hdcase.department_id
+ qty=line.qty or 0
+ lines.append({
+ 'date': hdcase.date or '',
+ 'tname': hdcase.patient_type_id.name or '',
+ 'pname': patient.name or '',
+ 'qty': qty,
+ 'cname': cycle.name,
+ 'cseq': cycle.sequence,
+ 'dpt_name': department.name,
+ 'hid': hdcase.id,
+ 'hname': hdcase.number,
+ })
+ total_qty+=qty
+ sub_name=''
+ if department_id:
+ dpt=get_model("clinic.department").browse(department_id)
+ sub_name="(%s)" % dpt.name or ""
+ elif branch_id:
+ branch=get_model("clinic.branch").browse(branch_id)
+ sub_name="(%s)" % branch.name or ""
+ company_id=get_active_company()
+ company=get_model("company").browse(company_id)
+ no=1
+ for line in sorted(lines,key=lambda x: (x['date'],x['cseq'])):
+ line['no']=no
+ no+=1
+ data={
+ 'company_name': '%s %s' % (company.name or "", sub_name),
+ 'lines': lines,
+ 'year': year,
+ 'total_qty': total_qty,
+ }
+ return data
+ def onchange_date(self,context={}):
+ data=context['data']
+ date=data['date']
+ year,month,day=date.split("-")
+ weekday, total_day=monthrange(int(year), int(month))
+ data['date_from']="%s-%s-01"%(year,month)
+ data['date_to']="%s-%s-%s"%(year,month,total_day)
+ return data
+ def onchange_branch(self,context={}):
+ data=context['data']
+ data['department_id']=None
+ return data
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_summary.py b/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_summary.py
index 545f16d..aaea893 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_summary.py
+++ b/netforce_clinic/models/report_medical_summary.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import time
from calendar import monthrange
from netforce.model import Model,fields,get_model
-from netforce.access import get_active_company, get_active_user
+from netforce.access import get_active_company
from . import utils
class ReportMedicalSummary(Model):
@@ -129,24 +129,43 @@ class ReportMedicalSummary(Model):
+ all_ptypes=""
+ prod_id=None
for patient_type_id,type_name in sorted(patient_types.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]):
+ all_ptypes+="%s,"%patient_type_id
qty=records[patient_type_id]['qty'] or 0
+ prod_id=records[patient_type_id]['prod_id']
'prod_name': prod_name,
'prod_name_org': prod_name_org,
- 'prod_id': records[patient_type_id]['prod_id'],
+ 'prod_id': prod_id,
'total': 0,
'qty': qty,
+ 'types': "%s"%patient_type_id,
+ 'time_start': time_start,
+ 'time_stop': time_stop,
+ 'product_id': prod_id,
+ 'product_categ_id': prod_categ_id,
'qty': total,
+ 'types': all_ptypes,
+ 'time_start': time_start,
+ 'time_stop': time_stop,
+ 'product_id': prod_id,
+ 'product_categ_id': prod_categ_id,
+ for line in lines:
+ st=""
+ for x in line['sub_lines']:
+ st+='%s'%(x['types'])
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/reports/report_medical_detail.xlsx b/netforce_clinic/reports/report_medical_detail.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6297d8
Binary files /dev/null and b/netforce_clinic/reports/report_medical_detail.xlsx differ
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/templates/report_hd_case_summary.hbs b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_hd_case_summary.hbs
index 26781ca..91e8513 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/templates/report_hd_case_summary.hbs
+++ b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_hd_case_summary.hbs
@@ -139,7 +139,9 @@
{{#each sub_lines}}
- {{qty}} |
+ {{qty}}
+ |
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_detail.hbs b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_detail.hbs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9771640
--- /dev/null
+++ b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_detail.hbs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ {{company_name}}
+ # |
+ HDCase# |
+ Date |
+ Patient |
+ Type |
+ Cycle |
+ Department |
+ Qty |
+ {{#each lines}}
+ {{no}} |
+ {{view "link" string=hname action="clinic_hd_case" action_options="mode=form" active_id=hid}}
+ |
+ {{date}} |
+ {{pname}} |
+ {{tname}} |
+ {{cname}} |
+ {{dpt_name}} |
+ {{qty}} |
+ {{/each}}
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ {{total_qty}} |
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_summary.hbs b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_summary.hbs
index e10d1c8..b8ba80c 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_summary.hbs
+++ b/netforce_clinic/templates/report_medical_summary.hbs
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@
{{#each sub_lines}}
- {{qty}} |
+ {{qty}}
+ |
diff --git a/netforce_clinic/todo.txt b/netforce_clinic/todo.txt
index d28e542..fe63954 100644
--- a/netforce_clinic/todo.txt
+++ b/netforce_clinic/todo.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
report cycle item
- - remove minus from fee amount
- - summary amount
+ - remove minus from fee amount -> ok
+ - summary amount -> ok
report medical
- see detail of amount (department, patient, cycle, hdcase#)
report claim expense:
- - add good issue columns
+ - add good issue columns -> ok