2015-08-11 05:13:04 +00:00
from pprint import pprint
2014-10-23 08:21:29 +00:00
from netforce . model import Model , fields , get_model
class AccountPayment ( Model ) :
_inherit = " account.payment "
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
_fields = {
' rd_cust ' : fields . Boolean ( " RD Customize " ) ,
2015-03-18 01:39:03 +00:00
' number ' : fields . Char ( " Number " , required = True , search = True ) ,
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
2015-03-18 01:39:03 +00:00
def _get_number ( self , context = { } ) :
type = context . get ( " type " )
if type == " in " :
seq_type = " pay_in "
elif type == " out " :
seq_type = " pay_out "
else :
seq_id = get_model ( " sequence " ) . find_sequence ( type = seq_type , context = context ) # force to use context
if not seq_id :
return None
while 1 :
num = get_model ( " sequence " ) . get_next_number ( seq_id , context = context )
res = self . search ( [ [ " number " , " = " , num ] ] )
if not res :
return num
get_model ( " sequence " ) . increment_number ( seq_id , context = context )
_defaults = {
' number ' : _get_number ,
2014-10-23 08:21:29 +00:00
def run_report ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
obj = self . browse ( ids ) [ 0 ]
hd_case_id = obj . related_id . id
hd_case = get_model ( " clinic.hd.case " ) . browse ( hd_case_id )
# set payment_id on hd case
# send to action print form payment
hd_case . write ( {
' payment_id ' : obj . id ,
} )
return {
' next ' : {
' name ' : ' report_clinic_payment_form ' ,
' refer_id ' : hd_case_id ,
' payment_id ' : obj . id ,
} ,
2014-12-21 18:00:54 +00:00
def import_payment ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
if not ids :
raise Exception ( " Please save payment before import " )
return {
' next ' : {
' name ' : ' clinic_import_uc ' ,
' refer_id ' : ids [ 0 ] , #XXX
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
2015-08-11 05:13:04 +00:00
def clinic_post ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
print ( " account_payment.post " )
obj = self . browse ( ids ) [ 0 ]
settings = get_model ( " settings " ) . browse ( 1 )
if obj . currency_rate :
currency_rate = obj . currency_rate
else :
if obj . currency_id . id == settings . currency_id . id :
currency_rate = 1.0
else :
rate_from = obj . currency_id . get_rate ( date = obj . date )
if not rate_from :
raise Exception ( " Missing currency rate for %s " % obj . currency_id . code )
rate_to = settings . currency_id . get_rate ( date = obj . date )
if not rate_to :
raise Exception ( " Missing currency rate for %s " % settings . currency_id . code )
currency_rate = rate_from / ( rate_to or 1 )
obj . write ( { " currency_rate " : currency_rate } )
if obj . pay_type == " direct " :
desc = obj . memo or obj . ref or obj . partner_id . name or obj . number # XXX: as in myob?
elif obj . pay_type == " invoice " :
desc = obj . memo or " Payment; %s " % obj . partner_id . name # XXX: as in myob?
elif obj . pay_type == " prepay " :
desc = " Prepayment: %s " % obj . partner_id . name
elif obj . pay_type == " overpay " :
desc = " Overpayment: %s " % obj . partner_id . name
elif obj . pay_type == " refund " :
desc = " Refund: %s " % obj . partner_id . name
elif obj . pay_type == " claim " :
desc = " Expense claim payment "
elif obj . pay_type == " adjust " :
desc = " Adjustment "
else :
desc = " Payment: %s " % obj . partner_id . name
if obj . type == " in " :
journal_id = settings . pay_in_journal_id . id
if not journal_id :
raise Exception ( " Receipts journal not found " )
elif obj . type == " out " :
journal_id = settings . pay_out_journal_id . id
if not journal_id :
raise Exception ( " Disbursements journal not found " )
if not obj . number :
raise Exception ( " Missing payment number " )
move_vals = {
" journal_id " : journal_id ,
" number " : obj . number ,
" date " : obj . date ,
" narration " : desc ,
" related_id " : " account.payment, %s " % obj . id ,
" company_id " : obj . company_id . id ,
move_id = get_model ( " account.move " ) . create ( move_vals )
lines = [ ]
track_id = None
for line in obj . lines : # XXX
if line . track_id :
if track_id :
track_id = None
else :
track_id = line . track_id . id
amt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( obj . amount_payment , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = currency_rate )
if obj . type == " out " :
amt = - amt
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" account_id " : obj . account_id . id ,
" description " : desc ,
" track_id " : track_id ,
" debit " : amt > 0 and amt or 0 ,
" credit " : amt < 0 and - amt or 0 ,
if obj . account_id . currency_id . id != settings . currency_id . id :
if obj . account_id . currency_id . id != obj . currency_id . id :
raise Exception ( " Invalid account currency for this payment: %s " % obj . account_id . code )
line_vals [ " amount_cur " ] = obj . amount_payment if obj . type == " in " else - obj . amount_payment
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
taxes = { }
reconcile_ids = [ ]
total_over = 0
for line in obj . lines :
if line . type in ( " direct " , " prepay " ) :
cur_amt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( line . amount , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = currency_rate )
tax = line . tax_id
if tax and obj . tax_type != " no_tax " :
base_amt = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_base ( tax . id , cur_amt , tax_type = obj . tax_type )
tax_comps = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_taxes ( tax . id , base_amt , when = " direct_payment " )
for comp_id , tax_amt in tax_comps . items ( ) :
if comp_id in taxes :
tax_vals = taxes [ comp_id ]
tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] + = base_amt
tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ] + = tax_amt
else :
tax_vals = {
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" amount_base " : base_amt ,
" amount_tax " : tax_amt ,
taxes [ comp_id ] = tax_vals
else :
base_amt = cur_amt
if obj . type == " out " :
amt = base_amt
else :
amt = - base_amt
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : line . description or desc ,
" account_id " : line . account_id . id ,
" debit " : amt > 0 and amt or 0 ,
" credit " : amt < 0 and - amt or 0 ,
" track_id " : line . track_id . id ,
" track2_id " : line . track2_id . id ,
print ( " direct " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
elif line . type in ( " invoice " , " refund " ) :
inv = line . invoice_id
inv_taxes = { }
if inv . inv_type in ( " invoice " , " credit " , " debit " ) :
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : inv . account_id . id ,
" due_date " : inv . due_date ,
" partner_id " : inv . partner_id . id ,
if line . amount_currency > inv . amount_due :
pay_amt = inv . amount_due
over_amt = line . amount_currency - inv . amount_due
total_over + = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( over_amt , inv . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = inv . currency_rate )
else :
pay_amt = line . amount_currency
pay_ratio = pay_amt / inv . amount_total
inv_amt = inv . amount_total * pay_ratio
cur_inv_amt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( inv_amt , inv . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = inv . currency_rate )
if obj . type == " out " :
amt = cur_inv_amt
else :
amt = - cur_inv_amt
if amt > 0 :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = - amt
if inv . account_id . currency_id . id != settings . currency_id . id :
if obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " amount_cur " ] = inv_amt
else :
line_vals [ " amount_cur " ] = - inv_amt
print ( " invoice " )
pprint ( line_vals )
pay_line_id = get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
if inv . reconcile_move_line_id :
inv_line_id = inv . reconcile_move_line_id . id
elif inv . move_id : # XXX
inv_line_id = inv . move_id . lines [ 0 ] . id
else :
inv_line_id = None
if inv_line_id :
reconcile_ids . append ( [ pay_line_id , inv_line_id ] )
for invline in inv . lines :
tax = invline . tax_id
if tax and inv . tax_type != " no_tax " : # XXX: simplify this
cur_line_amt_inv = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( invline . amount * pay_ratio , inv . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = inv . currency_rate )
base_amt = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_base ( tax . id , cur_line_amt_inv , tax_type = inv . tax_type )
tax_comps = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_taxes ( tax . id , base_amt , when = " invoice_payment_inv " )
for comp_id , tax_amt in tax_comps . items ( ) :
if comp_id in inv_taxes :
tax_vals = inv_taxes [ comp_id ]
tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] + = base_amt
tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ] + = tax_amt
else :
tax_vals = {
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" amount_base " : base_amt ,
" amount_tax " : tax_amt ,
inv_taxes [ comp_id ] = tax_vals
cur_line_amt_pmt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( invline . amount * pay_ratio , inv . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = inv . currency_rate ) # XXX: check this
base_amt = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_base ( tax . id , cur_line_amt_pmt , tax_type = inv . tax_type )
tax_comps = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_taxes ( tax . id , base_amt , when = " invoice_payment_pmt " )
for comp_id , tax_amt in tax_comps . items ( ) :
if comp_id in inv_taxes :
tax_vals = inv_taxes [ comp_id ]
tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] + = base_amt
tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ] + = tax_amt
else :
tax_vals = {
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" amount_base " : base_amt ,
" amount_tax " : tax_amt ,
inv_taxes [ comp_id ] = tax_vals
elif inv . inv_type == " overpay " :
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : inv . account_id . id ,
" partner_id " : inv . partner_id . id ,
amt = line . amount
if obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = amt
print ( " overpay " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
elif inv . inv_type == " prepay " :
for oline in inv . lines :
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : oline . account_id . id ,
amt = oline . amount * line . amount / inv . amount_total # XXX: currency
tax = oline . tax_id
if tax :
base_amt = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_base ( tax . id , amt , tax_type = inv . tax_type )
else :
base_amt = amt
if obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = base_amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = base_amt
print ( " prepay " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
if tax and inv . tax_type != " no_tax " :
tax_comps = get_model ( " account.tax.rate " ) . compute_taxes ( tax . id , base_amt , when = " invoice " ) # XXX
for comp_id , tax_amt in tax_comps . items ( ) :
if comp_id in inv_taxes :
tax_vals = inv_taxes [ comp_id ]
tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] + = base_amt
tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ] + = tax_amt
else :
tax_vals = {
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" amount_base " : base_amt ,
" amount_tax " : tax_amt ,
inv_taxes [ comp_id ] = tax_vals
for comp_id , inv_tax_vals in inv_taxes . items ( ) :
comp = get_model ( " account.tax.component " ) . browse ( comp_id )
if comp . type in ( " vat " , " vat_defer " ) :
acc_id = comp . account_id . id
if not acc_id :
raise Exception ( " Missing account for tax component %s " % comp . name )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : acc_id ,
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" tax_base " : inv_tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
" invoice_id " : inv . id ,
if comp . type == " vat " :
if inv . type == " out " :
if line . tax_no :
tax_no = line . tax_no
else :
tax_no = get_model ( " account.invoice " ) . gen_tax_no ( context = { " date " : obj . date } )
line . write ( { " tax_no " : tax_no } )
line_vals [ " tax_no " ] = tax_no
elif inv . type == " in " :
line_vals [ " tax_no " ] = line . tax_no
amt = inv_tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ]
if obj . type == " in " :
amt = - amt
if amt > 0 :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = - amt
print ( " tax " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
elif comp . type == " wht " :
if comp_id in taxes :
tax_vals = taxes [ comp_id ]
tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] + = inv_tax_vals [ " amount_base " ]
tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ] + = inv_tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ]
else :
taxes [ comp_id ] = inv_tax_vals . copy ( )
elif line . type == " claim " :
expense = line . expense_id
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : settings . unpaid_claim_id . id ,
amt = line . amount
if obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = amt
print ( " claim " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
elif line . type == " adjust " :
cur_amt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( line . amount , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = currency_rate )
tax_base = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( line . tax_base or 0 , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , rate = currency_rate )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : line . account_id . id ,
" tax_comp_id " : line . tax_comp_id . id ,
" tax_base " : tax_base ,
" track_id " : line . track_id . id ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
if obj . type == " in " :
cur_amt = - cur_amt
if cur_amt > 0 :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = cur_amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = - cur_amt
print ( " adjust " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
if total_over > 0.01 :
partner = obj . partner_id
if obj . type == " in " :
account_id = partner . account_receivable_id . id or settings . account_receivable_id . id
if not account_id :
raise Exception ( " Account receivable not found " )
elif obj . type == " out " :
account_id = partner . account_payable_id . id or settings . account_payable_id . id
if not account_id :
raise Exception ( " Account payable not found " )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : context . get ( " overpay_description " , " " ) ,
" account_id " : account_id ,
" track_id " : line . track_id . id ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
if obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = total_over
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = total_over
print ( " overpay " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
inv_line_vals = {
" description " : context . get ( " overpay_description " , " " ) ,
" account_id " : account_id ,
" amount " : total_over ,
inv_vals = {
" type " : obj . type == " in " and " out " or " in " ,
" inv_type " : " overpay " ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
" date " : obj . date ,
" tax_type " : " no_tax " ,
" lines " : [ ( " create " , inv_line_vals ) ] ,
" state " : " waiting_payment " ,
" payment_id " : obj . id ,
" account_id " : account_id ,
inv_id = get_model ( " account.invoice " ) . create ( inv_vals )
wht_no = get_model ( " account.payment " ) . gen_wht_no ( context = { " date " : obj . date } )
for comp_id , tax_vals in sorted ( taxes . items ( ) ) :
comp = get_model ( " account.tax.component " ) . browse ( comp_id )
acc_id = comp . account_id . id
if not acc_id :
raise Exception ( " Missing account for tax component %s " % comp . name )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : acc_id ,
" tax_comp_id " : comp_id ,
" tax_base " : tax_vals [ " amount_base " ] ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
if comp . type == " vat " :
if obj . type == " in " :
if obj . tax_no :
tax_no = obj . tax_no
else :
tax_no = get_model ( " account.invoice " ) . gen_tax_no ( context = { " date " : obj . date } )
obj . write ( { " tax_no " : tax_no } )
line_vals [ " tax_no " ] = tax_no
elif obj . type == " out " :
line_vals [ " tax_no " ] = obj . tax_no
elif comp . type == " wht " :
if obj . type == " out " :
# 1 Payment should have same wht_no
line_vals [ " tax_no " ] = wht_no
amt = tax_vals [ " amount_tax " ]
if obj . type == " in " :
amt = - amt
if amt > 0 :
line_vals [ " debit " ] = amt
else :
line_vals [ " credit " ] = - amt
print ( " tax " )
pprint ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
amt = 0
move = get_model ( " account.move " ) . browse ( move_id )
for line in move . lines :
amt + = line . credit - line . debit
if amt > 0.001 :
if not settings . currency_loss_id :
raise Exception ( " Missing currency loss account " )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : settings . currency_loss_id . id ,
" debit " : amt ,
" credit " : 0 ,
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
elif amt < - 0.001 :
if not settings . currency_gain_id :
raise Exception ( " Missing currency gain account " )
line_vals = {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : settings . currency_loss_id . id ,
" debit " : 0 ,
" credit " : - amt ,
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . create ( line_vals )
get_model ( " account.move " ) . post ( [ move_id ] )
obj . write ( { " move_id " : move_id , " state " : " posted " } )
for rec_lines in reconcile_ids :
get_model ( " account.move.line " ) . reconcile ( rec_lines )
obj . create_prepay_invoice ( )
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
def post ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
obj = self . browse ( ids ) [ 0 ]
res = None
2015-08-11 05:13:04 +00:00
if obj . hdcase_reconcile :
obj . clinic_post ( )
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
if obj . rd_cust :
res = { }
print ( " RD Customize " )
desc = " Recieved %s " % obj . partner_id . name
for ivline in obj . invoice_lines :
invoice = ivline . invoice_id
partner_id = invoice . partner_id . id
for mline in invoice . move_id . lines :
if mline . debit > 0 :
amt = mline . debit or 0
account_id = mline . account_id . id
if not res . get ( account_id ) :
res [ account_id ] = {
' credit ' : 0 ,
' debit ' : 0 ,
' description ' : desc ,
' partner_id ' : partner_id
res [ account_id ] [ ' credit ' ] + = amt
settings = get_model ( " settings " ) . browse ( 1 )
if obj . type == " in " :
journal_id = obj . journal_id . id or settings . pay_in_journal_id . id
if not journal_id :
raise Exception ( " Receipts journal not found " )
elif obj . type == " out " :
journal_id = obj . journal_id . id or settings . pay_out_journal_id . id
if not journal_id :
raise Exception ( " Disbursements journal not found " )
if not obj . number :
raise Exception ( " Missing payment number " )
move_vals = {
" journal_id " : journal_id ,
" number " : obj . number ,
" date " : obj . date ,
" narration " : desc ,
" related_id " : " account.payment, %s " % obj . id ,
" company_id " : obj . company_id . id ,
move_id = get_model ( " account.move " ) . create ( move_vals )
track_id = None
for line in obj . lines : # XXX
if line . track_id :
if track_id :
track_id = None
else :
track_id = line . track_id . id
lines1 = [ ]
lines1 . append ( ( ' create ' , {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" account_id " : obj . account_id . id ,
" description " : desc ,
" track_id " : track_id ,
' debit ' : 0 ,
' credit ' : 0 ,
} ) )
lines2 = [ ]
for account_id , rvals in res . items ( ) :
amt = rvals [ ' credit ' ] or 0
lines1 [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ ' debit ' ] + = amt #XXX
lines2 . append ( ( ' create ' , {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" account_id " : account_id ,
" description " : rvals [ ' description ' ] ,
' partner_id ' : rvals [ ' partner_id ' ] ,
' debit ' : rvals [ ' debit ' ] ,
' credit ' : rvals [ ' credit ' ] ,
" track_id " : track_id ,
} ) )
2015-02-08 08:48:08 +00:00
if obj . type == " in " :
rate_type = " sell "
else :
rate_type = " buy "
adjust_lines = [ ]
adjust_amt = 0
for jline in obj . adjust_lines :
cur_amt = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( line . amount , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , date = obj . date , rate_type = rate_type )
tax_base = get_model ( " currency " ) . convert ( line . tax_base or 0 , obj . currency_id . id , settings . currency_id . id , date = obj . date , rate_type = rate_type )
cur_amt = abs ( cur_amt )
adjust_lines . append ( ( ' create ' , {
" move_id " : move_id ,
" description " : desc ,
" account_id " : line . account_id . id ,
" tax_comp_id " : line . tax_comp_id . id ,
" tax_base " : tax_base ,
" track_id " : line . track_id . id ,
" partner_id " : obj . partner_id . id ,
" credit " : 0 ,
" debit " : cur_amt ,
} ) )
adjust_amt + = cur_amt
lines1 [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ ' debit ' ] - = cur_amt
lines = lines1 + adjust_lines + lines2 #debit, debit, credit
2015-02-04 14:10:41 +00:00
move = get_model ( " account.move " ) . browse ( move_id )
move . write ( {
' lines ' : lines ,
} )
move . post ( )
obj . write ( {
' move_id ' : move . id ,
' state ' : ' posted ' ,
} )
print ( " Done! " )
else :
res = super ( ) . post ( ids , context = context )
return res
2014-12-21 18:00:54 +00:00
2014-10-23 08:21:29 +00:00
AccountPayment . register ( )