2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
import time
2014-10-01 10:52:21 +00:00
from netforce . model import Model , fields , get_model
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
from netforce . access import get_active_company
class Patient ( Model ) :
_name = " clinic.patient "
2014-09-11 03:21:52 +00:00
_string = " Patient "
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
_audit_log = True
_multi_company = True
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
def _get_age ( self , ids , context ) :
res = { }
year_now = int ( time . strftime ( " % Y " ) )
for obj in self . browse ( ids ) :
age = 0
if obj . birthday :
year_bd = int ( obj . birthday [ 0 : 4 ] )
age = year_now - year_bd
res [ obj . id ] = age
return res # -> {1: 30, 2: 45,.....}
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
_fields = {
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" number " : fields . Char ( " Patient ID " , required = True , search = True ) ,
2014-10-01 10:52:21 +00:00
" name " : fields . Char ( " Name " , required = True , search = True ) ,
" reg_date " : fields . Date ( " Reg.Date " , required = False , search = True ) ,
2014-10-01 08:44:03 +00:00
" birthday " : fields . Date ( " Date of birth " , required = False , search = True ) ,
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" telephone " : fields . Char ( " Telephone " , required = False , search = True ) ,
" mobile " : fields . Char ( " Mobile " , required = False , search = True ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" job " : fields . Char ( " Job " ) ,
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" graduation " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " junior_high_school " , " Junior High School " ) , ( " senior_hish_school " , " Senior High School " ) , ( " vocational_certificate " , " Vocational Certificate " ) , ( " High_vocational_certificate " , " High Vocational Certificate " ) , ( " ba " , " B.A.(Bachelor of Arts) " ) , ( " ma " , " M.A.(Master of Arts) " ) , ( " phd " , " Ph.D.(Doctor of Philosophy) " ) ] , " Graduation " ) ,
" age " : fields . Integer ( " Age " , function = " _get_age " ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" weight " : fields . Integer ( " Weight (cm) " ) ,
" height " : fields . Integer ( " Height (Kg) " ) ,
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" type " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " mg " , " Medical Govement " ) , ( " sc " , " Social Security " ) , ( " nhso " , " NHSO (30฿) " ) , ( " personal " , " Personal " ) , ( " other " , " Other " ) ] , " Type of treatment " , required = False ) ,
" card_type " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " iden_id " , " Identity Card " ) , ( " passport " , " Passport " ) ] , " Card Type " , required = True ) ,
2014-10-01 10:52:21 +00:00
' card_no ' : fields . Char ( " Card No. " ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" app_no " : fields . Char ( " Application No. " ) ,
2014-10-01 07:49:24 +00:00
" salary " : fields . Selection ( [ [ " 20000 " , " 5,001-20,000 " ] , [ " 50000 " , " 20,001-50,000 " ] , [ " 100000 " , " 50,001-100,000 " ] , [ " 100001 " , " 100,000+ " ] ] , " Salary " ) ,
2014-10-01 10:52:21 +00:00
' exp_date ' : fields . Date ( " Expiry Date " ) ,
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" state " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " draft " , " Draft " ) , ( " active " , " Active " ) , ( " deactive " , " Deactive " ) ] , " Status " , required = False ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" addresses " : fields . One2Many ( " address " , " related_id " , " Addresses " ) ,
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" gender " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " male " , " Male " ) , ( " female " , " Female " ) ] , " Gender " , required = False ) ,
" marital_status " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " single " , " Single " ) , ( " marry " , " Marry " ) , ( " divorce " , " Divorce " ) , ( " separated " , " Saparated " ) , ( " widowed " , " Widowed " ) ] , " Marital Status " , required = False ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" nationality " : fields . Char ( " Nationality " , search = True ) ,
" race " : fields . Char ( " Race " , search = True ) ,
2014-10-01 04:05:52 +00:00
#Patient's +
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
" smoke " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " never " , " Never " ) , ( " stopped " , " Stopped " ) , ( " smoked " , " Smoked " ) ] , " Smoking " ) ,
" withdrawal " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " social_security " , " Social Security " ) , ( " health_insurance " , " Health Insurance " ) , ( " etc " , " ETC. " ) ] , " Right of withdrawal " ) ,
" first_treatment " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " hd " , " HD " ) , ( " test " , " Test " ) ] , " First treatment " ) ,
" first_hemodialysis " : fields . Date ( " First time Hemodialysis " , required = False ) ,
" hemodialysis " : fields . Char ( " First Hemodialysis " , required = False ) ,
" clinic_after " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " small " , " Small " ) , ( " medium " , " Medium " ) , ( " large " , " Large " ) ] , " Clinic Lastime " , required = False ) ,
" clinic_after_name " : fields . Char ( " Clinic after name " , required = False ) ,
" first_permanent_vascular_access " : fields . Date ( " First time Permanent Vascular " , required = False ) ,
" first_tenckhoff_catheters " : fields . Date ( " First time Tenckhoff Catheters " , required = False ) ,
" start_date_clinic " : fields . Date ( " Start Date Clinic " , required = False ) ,
" waiting_transplantation " : fields . Selection ( [ ( " yes " , " Yes " ) , ( " no " , " No " ) ] , " Kidney Transplantation Waiting ? " ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" who_transplantation " : fields . Char ( " Who is Transplantation? " ) ,
" reason_of_chronic_renal_failure " : fields . Char ( " Reason chronic renal failure ? " ) ,
" ac_mi " : fields . Boolean ( " Acute MI " ) ,
" co_an " : fields . Boolean ( " Coronary Angioplasty " ) ,
" ce_ac " : fields . Boolean ( " Cerebrovascular Accident " ) ,
" pvd " : fields . Boolean ( " PVD or Amputation " ) ,
" co_he " : fields . Boolean ( " Congestive heart failure " ) ,
" hypertnsion " : fields . Boolean ( " Hypertension " ) ,
" dia " : fields . Boolean ( " Diabetes " ) ,
" copd " : fields . Boolean ( " Copd " ) ,
" asthma " : fields . Boolean ( " Asthma " ) ,
" pul_tub " : fields . Boolean ( " Pulmonary tuberculosis " ) ,
" cancer " : fields . Boolean ( " Cancer " ) ,
" cirrhosis " : fields . Boolean ( " Cirrhosis " ) ,
" dyslip " : fields . Boolean ( " Dyslipidemia " ) ,
" prca " : fields . Boolean ( " PRCA " ) ,
" hyperucemia " : fields . Boolean ( " Hyperurinencemia " ) ,
" cga " : fields . Boolean ( " Chronic gouty arthitis " ) ,
" parathy " : fields . Boolean ( " Parathyroidectomy " ) ,
2014-10-01 04:05:52 +00:00
" check1 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Acute MI or Unstable angina " ) ,
" check2 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Coronary angioplasty or CABG " ) ,
" check3 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Cerebrovascular accident " ) ,
" check4 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, PVD or Amputation " ) ,
" check5 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Congestive heart failure " ) ,
" check6 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Hypertension " ) ,
" check7 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Diabetes " ) ,
" check8 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, COPD " ) ,
" check9 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Asthma " ) ,
" check10 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Pulmonary tuberculosis " ) ,
" check11 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, of cancer " ) ,
" check12 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Cirrhosis " ) ,
" check13 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Dyslipidemia " ) ,
" check14 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, PRCA " ) ,
" check15 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Hyperurinecemia " ) ,
" check16 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Chronic gouty arthitis " ) ,
" check17 " : fields . Boolean ( " The patient had been diagnosed, Parathyroidectomy " ) ,
#"comarbid" : fields.char("Co-morbid Other"),
" check18 " : fields . Boolean ( " Ischemic Heart Disease " ) ,
" check19 " : fields . Boolean ( " Of cancer " ) ,
" check20 " : fields . Boolean ( " Cerebrovascular accident " ) ,
" comarbid2 " : fields . Char ( " Co-morbid Other " ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
" comments " : fields . One2Many ( " message " , " related_id " , " Comments " ) ,
" company_id " : fields . Many2One ( " company " , " Company " ) ,
" doctorsss " : fields . Many2Many ( " clinic.doctor " , " Doctors " ) ,
" nurses " : fields . Many2Many ( " clinic.nurse " , " Nurses " ) ,
" visits " : fields . One2Many ( " clinic.visit " , " patient_id " , " Visits " ) ,
2014-08-21 07:29:37 +00:00
" hd_cases " : fields . One2Many ( " clinic.hd.case " , " patient_id " , " HD Cases " ) ,
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
def _get_number ( self , context = { } ) :
2014-09-30 11:17:46 +00:00
seq_name = " clinic_patient "
seq_id = get_model ( " sequence " ) . find_sequence ( name = seq_name )
if not seq_id :
raise Exception ( " Sequence not found: ' %s ' " % seq_name )
while 1 :
num = get_model ( " sequence " ) . get_next_number ( seq_id )
if not num :
return None
get_model ( " sequence " ) . increment_number ( seq_id )
return num
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
while 1 :
2014-08-21 07:29:37 +00:00
num = get_model ( " sequence " ) . get_number ( " clinic_patient " )
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
if not num :
return None
res = self . search ( [ [ " number " , " = " , num ] ] )
if not res :
return num
2014-08-21 07:29:37 +00:00
get_model ( " sequence " ) . increment ( " clinic_patient " )
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
_defaults = {
" state " : " draft " ,
" date " : lambda * a : time . strftime ( " % Y- % m- %d " ) ,
" number " : _get_number ,
" company_id " : lambda * a : get_active_company ( ) ,
_order = " date desc,number desc "
2014-10-01 06:51:36 +00:00
def name_get ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
vals = [ ]
for obj in self . browse ( ids ) :
name = ' %s %s ' % ( obj . first_name or " " , obj . last_name or " " )
vals . append ( ( obj . id , name ) )
return vals
2014-08-19 11:36:46 +00:00
def void ( self , ids , context = { } ) :
obj = self . browse ( ids ) [ 0 ]
obj . write ( { " state " : " voided " } )
Patient . register ( )